Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Four Powerful Words

I am a words woman. Words speak to me the same way in which great paintings, music, dance, water, cities, mountains, etc. move other people. Today, my husband said, with great passion, the four most moving words to me, and they are as precious as any jewels he could have given me:

"I love you fiercely!"


Thursday, May 14, 2009



2009-03-01 teamgive sponsorship announced
iTrade is excited to announce their involvement with teamgive. teamgive is an organization of successful professionals with a shared passion for cycling and sports, service in their community, and excellence in all they do. teamgive is a charitable organization that donates their time, services, and money to support the search for treatment and cures of rare neurological diseases. "We're thrilled about supporting this foundation and look forward to a lasting relationship with a group that shares our passion and excitement," says Callahan Williams, CEO of iTrade Alchemy. Please visit our website for more details:

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The power of Words

Just a little something I saw in a Deseret News article today. The story was on a young man from South Pasadena, Calif., who had started a No Cussing Club at his school. Whenever anyone tells you that words don't have any meaning, you can quote them the following:

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

What's in YOUR bag?

Last night we attended the Woods Cross High School Choir concert to watch Markelle and all of the other amazing and talented choir students perform. Markelle is in the Concert Choir, and they are always last, which is the icing on the cake. What a beautiful sound Mr. H (Hendrickson) pulls out of these kids! After coming home, I was cleaning up for the night and moving laundry around when the phone rang. It was coming from the high school. Who would be calling at 10:00 p.m. from the school? A man on the other line asked if this was the Mordue home and if there was a Karen who lived there. Immediately I knew--I left my purse in the auditorium of the high school. The custodian was so nice and told me they would wait for me to run down to pick it up. As I'm driving down to the school, I am making a mental list of all the things in my purse. As you can imagine, a lot of it is very critical. But, oh my, a lot of it is also a little embarrassing. Here is an inventory of the contents of my purse (and I really hope the custodian didn't dig in too deep...):
3 bobby pins
2 hair bands
$1.70 in loose change at the bottom of my bag (including a gold dollar!)
2 sets of keys to 2 different cars
Post-it notes
1 earring (where is the match?)
3 pens (including a really awesome post-it note pen that writes like a DREAM!)
1 lipstick (Estee Lauder #117 Rose Tea)
lip gloss(Costco brand sun-kissed color)
cell phone
wallet (which contained my life: credit cards, driver's license, check book, library card, temple recommend, insurance card, cash & change, a tithing receipt, check book and a tampon that does not belong to me--my daughter threw it into my purse when we went somewhere together)
Barnes & Noble gift card
two checks: a paycheck and a reimbursement check from the church
a grocery list
a receipt from RC Willey for the chair I bought for Mother's Day/anniversary/Steve's Birthday
a bill for the North Canyon Swim & Tennis club (due May 15th if I want the 10 free guest passes--yippee)
coupons for Hallmark and Macy's
an envelope of receipts
a pocket full of "frequent buyer" cards from Cafe Rio, Costa Vida, yogurt stop, Yoasis, American Eagle, Keva Juice, Subway and Petsmart.

What does this say about my life? What's in YOUR purse/wallet?

P.S. One of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite movies (One Fine Day) is when the mom makes TWO halloween costumes out of the contents of her purse--amazing, the power of a mother's purse!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Best Mother's Day Present Ever!

Kelsey comes home on Mother's Day! Her plane was scheduled to arrive on May 10, 2009 at 10:30 p.m., so I had everything all planned for her homecoming surprise. I went to Dick's Market to buy some of her favorite foods (fresh fruit, soy milk, Nutella and graham crackers, etc.) and ordered yellow balloons. We made her Welcome Home signs, complete with "Welcome Home" in English and Hebrew. I didn't pick up the balloons until 10 p.m. on Saturday night so that they would be fairly "fresh" when she finally saw them late Sunday Night. The house was clean, her room was already for her to slip in between her covers after a loooong travel day. We were ready for this girl to get home. On Saturday night, we closed the house down and turned off the lights by midnight. I was waiting for Kelsey to call us from the airport in Vienna, so I knew the phone would be ringing in the middle of the night. Steve and I had just settled down in our bed and as I was slowly drifting off to sleep....the phone rings. I know exactly who it is. It's my darling girl and I get to hear her voice one more time before she boards her plane and begins her last league of her 5 month journey. She will be home this time tomorrow night! I'm am so excited I can hardly stand it! I answered the phone and started asking Kelsey about her flight information and she interrupts me to ask me to go out to the front porch to get something her friend, Ali (who went to Jerusalem with Kelsey, but got home a week earlier) was dropping off. Kelsey wanted to make sure it got to our house safely. I told her I would run out and check, and as I am opening the front door I can see that I caught Ali as she was just barely leaving the "package." But wait a minute. That's not Ali standing there. My brain has momentarily frozen as I slowly begin to realize that KELSEY is standing on our front porch--a DAY early!!--holding a sign:

Happy Mother's Day

I love you MOM!

I just grabbed that girl and hugged the living breath out of her! I did not want to let her go. We were both laughing and crying and screaming and soon the rest of the family was running downstairs to get their hugs and screams of joy out as well. We brought in her luggage and just sat on the couch and talked with her and hugged her and talked some more, looked at pictures, looked at the souvenirs she brought back and hugged and teared up. Finally at 4 a.m. we pulled ourselves away from each other to get a few hours of sleep. As I lay in Steve's arms, while trying to drift off to sleep, I wept in gratitude to have my baby home and to have our family back together, all in one piece, once more. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Weighty Matter

When my daughter, Kelsey, went to college, her biggest fear was gaining the famous "freshman five." So we made food goals, such as: no sugar, very little (if any) meat, cut down on the peanut butter, etc. etc. She did very well, I must say. I, however, am struggling. I have had several ladies tell me that they all gained weight after a hysterectomy. Others have told me that once they hit 40, the pounds just glommed on and stayed there, no matter how much exercising they did. Another friend let me in on a little secret of life that her sister shared with her when they were young: choose a weight that you would DIE if you ever gained that much, and you will not go past that. Well, I've had a hysterectomy, I'm over 40 and I have pretty much surpassed all of my pregnancy weight and then some and all this DESPITE running 6 marathons in the past four years, and riding/walking/running on a regular basis with my good friend, Jody. I am only 5'2" and I just about qualify for the "weight division" category for the St. George marathon--WHAT THE?! Now, I realize that you might be thinking, "well, Karen, you DO love the Big Suga," which is true, but I'm still not really sure what happened. I'm a little depressed by the state of my body, but I am determined to ride my bike more (Jody just got a bike and we are getting each other out there) and I am signed up to run the St. George Marathon again this year. Kelsey is going to run it as well, so I have the extra motivation I need because she wants to train together. I realize that I have a forty-year old body, not a twenty year old one anymore, but I would like to stay active and healthy. I will continue to run and ride, watch the Big Suga intake (sadly, it may have to go for a very long time:() I would REALLY love to lose about 25 lbs., but I know that I have to do it slowly and in a healthy way. My first goal will be: lose 5 lbs. Then reward myself with something cool. What should that "something cool" be? Then I'll lose another 5 lbs. and reward myself again. Repeat three more times. I would like a new outfit that I feel good in (first 5 lb. reward), an overnight romantic evening with my hubby (second 5 lb. reward), a spa day (third 5 lb. reward), a trip to the beach (fourth 5 lb. reward) and a new dining room table (goal weight loss: 25 lb.) Okay, the goal is written down. So let it be written, so let it be done!