Thursday, March 18, 2010

Smile! You're on Candid Camera!

Driving home today from a very nice "birthday" lunch with Bam and the sisters, I cut through the Slim Olsen Parking lot and out of the corner of my eye I saw something green drifting along the blacktop:

That's right, a crisp, clean one dollar bill. I drove past it and then said to myself, "Heck no, I'm turning back for it!" and I did just that. I turned my car around and eased up next to the dollar lying quite still on the ground in the middle of a huge parking lot. My intention was to open my car door and quickly scoop it up, only right as I bent down to grab it a playful breeze picked it up and scooted it away from me. I got out of the car and walked toward where it was again lying peacefully on the ground, but as I took a step towards the dollar, a breeze once again began to toy with it (and me, it would seem). "I know where this is going," I said to myself. I got back into the car and began to drive away, not wanting to make a fool of myself by running helter skelter across the parking lot for a one dollar bill. Again, as I slowly drove forward I saw the dollar once again resting on the blacktop, pretty as you please. This time I did scoop it up...triumph! As I got back into my car I couldn't help but think that this was going to end up on some undercover t.v. show with an audience shouting out,

"Smile! You're on Candid Camera!"

Not five minutes later, Markelle was on the phone, asking if she could have $7 for a play ticket. Ahhh, easy come, easy go!