They've got your back!
Sing with me now:
"Lat-ter-Day Proph-ets are: num-ber one, Jo-seph Smith; then Brig-ham Young;
John Tay-lor came third, we know,
Then Wil-ford Wood-ruff, Lo-ren-zo Snow;
Jo-seph F. Smith (remember the F);
He-ber J. Grant and George Al-bert Smith;
Da-vid Ohhhhh Mc-Kay was followed by
Jo-seph Field-ing Smith.
Then Har-old B. Lee, Spen-cer W. Kimball,
Ezr-a Taft Ben-son,
HowardW.Hunter (really fast)
Gor-don B. Hinck-ley shows the way.
We hear and fol-low his words to-day!"