Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Sunday Meal with the Family

Sunday at our house means family dinner.  That is the one guaranteed meal you will get out of me during the week.  I usually make it a meat/potatoes kind of an affair, and the kids know that we gather together to break bread and visit as a family.

We have some pretty interesting discussions, including topics that I have to shut down if it's sounding like it's spinning out of control.  I had a dream as a young mother of having intellectual and philosophical discussions, as well as deep doctrinal debates as we revisited topics from church lessons of the day.  Alas, our conversations--while stimulating-- rarely go in that direction.

Case in point:  Today during our afternoon Sunday meal, someone brought up the recently released Winnie the Pooh Movie, which spun off into past Winnie the Pooh movies and the observation that most--if not all--of the characters of this beloved children's story suffer from one form of mental psychosis or other.

Think about it.

Winnie the Pooh?

Binge eating


Anxiety.  And possibly the added bonus of incontenance.


Ah, Eeyore...what a depressed mess.


Delusions of Grandeur and Narcissism.


Maybe a touch of OCD?


Definitely ADHD.

And good ol' Christopher Robbins?

The boy talks to his stuffed animals and has created an imaginary world in which they all live.  A touch of the schizophrenia?

We're still trying to work out Kanga and little Roo.  They seem pretty normal, aside from the fact that Roo is still hanging out in his mom's pocket.

I don't even want to get into the hufflelumps and woozies.  Even my kids at a young age recognized that segment as very messed up.

And the most compelling question of the day:  what IS a Pooh Bear anyway?