Saturday, July 4, 2009

Problem Solved!

The Problem:  salt burns from upper (flabby?) arms rubbing against seams of sports bra.  Also, thighs (again, flabby?) rubbing together.  This is a HUGE problem in the summer months of training (especially painful in the shower after a long run--it stings like no other).  I have tried Bodyglide and vaseline, but they are sticky and just don't do the job for a long run, unless I am able to dry off and reapply.

The Solution: AWESOME RUNNING GEAR!  Check out the gear I picked up at REI this weekend.  I tested it out during a nine mile run on a very humid 4th of July day.

This running top by Danskin has longer, tight fitting sleeves.  No rubbing!

These compression shorts, by Underarmour, are long and tight enough that they keep the thighs tucked snuggly in.  I am a happy woman.  I am a happy RUNNER!  (those are totally my abs, hahahaha!)

Oh, I also got a cute running bra and a sassy running skirt:)