Thursday, July 22, 2010

Another daughter joins the ranks...

It was with great pride that I took another daughter down to DeBoer's and introduced her Dennis.

"Dennis," I said when we breezed into his shop, "This is my daughter, Madi, and she wants to start running. Can you find a good shoe for her?"

Dennis asked her to take off her shoes, and to stand and walk for him. He gazed thoughtfully at her feet and asked us to wait a minute while he went into his magic storeroom. He came out with several pairs of running shoes, and then the fun began. As Madi tried on the different shoes, she slowly eliminated each until she found THE PAIR:

Mizuno Wave Nexus 4

Here's to a great relationship. Everyone needs a pair of running shoes that they feel utter and complete love for. I know that with each new pair I get I fall in love all over again. I can't wait to go running with Madi (although she is a lot faster than I am). I am hoping that she will want to join me and Kelsey on running a marathon some day.