But trailing clouds of glory do we come
From God, who is our home.
--William Wadsworth
I have been looking for a painting for a particular place in my home, and I came across the work of a wonderful young artist, Annie Henrie. We learned about her through the art work of her farther, Cary. We love his work, and she has a similar style yet with her own distinctive touch. I especially love her portraiture...she gives her subjects a Renaissance, old world feel. I contacted her about purchasing an existing painting, but after meeting with her, Steve and I decided to commission a painting, using our daughters as the subject. We both loved the above painting (titled "Star of Wonder"), so we asked her to paint something similar. I envision something that depicts our pre-mortal selves looking down upon the majestic earthly creation and anticipating our mortal journey. I am excited to see what Annie comes up with!