Saturday, December 31, 2011
Love my Lulu
Back in May, Steve and I stayed in a very posh resort, the Arizona Biltmore. It was heavenly to lay by the pool and soak up the warmth of the sun, especially considering that we still were not fully out of an extremely long and cold winter back home. I was also in training for an upcoming Ragnar Relay race in June and was feeling the panic of being unprepared. This time away from the children was not only recharging my batteries and adding an extra jolt to my marriage (love our getaways, baby!), but it was also giving me some much needed training time in the sun. Unfortunately (or fortunately for me, as it turns out) I had failed to pack a good running bra. Steve, my ultimate "athletic supporter" (haha, I couldn't resist) insisted that we check out the LuLu Lemon store at the nearby mall. As I slipped on my first piece of LuLu athletic wear, I was in love. The running skirts, tanks, shirts, bras...the fabric! Not only functional, but SMART functional, and pretty. The clothing is designed to take you from the gym and into your day. Everything I picked up that day has since become my favorite running gear. Last month, on our little girl trip to St. George, Kelsey and I buzzed over to Las Vegas to do some shopping and I introduced her to LuLu Lemon. She, too, was immediately sold on their products and I had her Christmas presents bought and wrapped for under the tree in that one short store visit. Turns out that she went home and told her husband and in-laws also, because they all added to her LuLu Lemon collection. Well, after seeing all of the cute things she got for Christmas, I had to go back to LuLu for myself. Oh my, you should just see how smokin' hot I am in my new tights, long sleeved shirt and jacket...and it feels so incredibly good on! The best treat of all: Lulu Lemon in coming to Trolley Square in February. Love my LuLu!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
My 2011 Christmas Gift to Lily
Dear Lily,
I am so glad your family invited us to join them in giving gifts to you this year. These are gifts from the heart, and I searched mine to discover what it was that you would want me to do for you this Christmas. I thought that one thing you would want me to do was to follow the promptings of the Spirit, no matter how silly or illogical the prompting seemed to be. As you know, we got a cute little puppy this past summer, and we named her Jesse. She has brought our whole family so much happiness and joy, and every time I think about how much this sweet little soul has brought to our family, I immediately have the thought that I should thank her “birth parents”—the family that we bought her from. I have had this thought—or prompting—many times over the past 6 months, and so my gift to you this year is to act on that prompting. I bought a box of oranges and a bag of doggie treats and toys, wrote a card of gratitude and included the above picture and delivered it to Jesse’s pre-family (before she became ours). I was a little nervous to take it to them because I thought they would think I was a little strange, but it turned out to be such a great experience. We had a wonderful visit, and the kids were excited to see a picture of Jesse. I wanted them to know that when she left their loving home, she came to a home that was just as loving and that we adored her. When I left their home, I had a big smile on my face. It turned out to be one the most fun things I did for Christmas this year!
We love and miss you Lily!
Your Aunt Karen
The Best of Friends
Dear Jody,
My daughter called me at work today with laughter in her voice. You had just dropped off this GORGEOUS platter that you hand made for me (thank you, dear friend...I love it!) and the saying on it gave Ashley such a chuckle that she had to call me right then and there to share it. I thought it fitting that you chose this saying...and not just because I currently work with **ahem** mature residents of an assisted living facility. But because shortly after the phone call, I witnessed a perfect example of the kind of friends you and I are to each other. This is what I saw: Willma with her walker pulling Alice choo-choo style behind her and guiding her back to her room. Both women had huge smiles on their faces and you could tell that they truly cared and looked out for one another. You are that kind of friend to me...guiding me and laughing with me along the way. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
With love,
Monday, December 19, 2011
A New Tradition
Kim and Spencer have invited the extended family to join them in a new Christmas tradition in honor of their daughter, Lily:
Dear Family:
We have been trying to think of something we can do to keep Lily in our Christmas. Everywhere we've been, we've wanted to get her a gift, which seems pointless. So we finally decided what we wanted to do as a family last night.
We decided that we would give her a gift. After thinking about it we thought that the best gift we could give Lily is what she would want from us right now. So each of us thought about what we thought Lily would most want from us.
As an example, I determined that what Lily would want most from me is to go to the temple more often. That is where I will be doing the Lords work and can feel closest to her. Which is what I think she would want most from me.
Each of us wrote Lily a letter with our gift on it and put it in her stocking. I told the kids that it was important that they followed through with this gift because she will know.
We decided to let Lily spread her wings and do the work she is meant to do for us all still on the earth. We decided to open it up to her extended family who she also loves and wants to be with forever.
If you would like to join us. You can do the same, by thinking of the gift you think Lily would want most from you. Write her a note and either come put it in her stocking, or mail it and I will put it in for you. I will be putting these in a book for each year, so if you don't want it read just seal it up and that is how it will go in the book.
Will you tell your kids and let them decide if they want to do it also.
Thank you, and we love you all,
The Mordue's
I am really excited to think of something special that I can do as my gift for Lily. I know that a lot of people have already been touched and have had their lives changed in the name of doing something for Lily. A friend of Kim's put up a pink Christmas Tree on Lily's grave. Aunts and Uncles went in on a beautiful Christmas tree from Kneaders for Spencer's family. They all met and set it up while Spencer and Kim and their boys were in Arizona for Thanksgiving. Other friends helped decorate the house for Christmas, so that the family could come home to a house all ready for the Christmas season. The manager from Kneaders was so moved by this outpouring of love for this family that she wanted to do something special also, and she joined in the decorating and donated a lot of beautiful Christmas decorations for the banisters and fireplace mantel. I love that Lily will always be a part of our Christmas celebrations through our yearly gift that we give her.
I am really excited to think of something special that I can do as my gift for Lily. I know that a lot of people have already been touched and have had their lives changed in the name of doing something for Lily. A friend of Kim's put up a pink Christmas Tree on Lily's grave. Aunts and Uncles went in on a beautiful Christmas tree from Kneaders for Spencer's family. They all met and set it up while Spencer and Kim and their boys were in Arizona for Thanksgiving. Other friends helped decorate the house for Christmas, so that the family could come home to a house all ready for the Christmas season. The manager from Kneaders was so moved by this outpouring of love for this family that she wanted to do something special also, and she joined in the decorating and donated a lot of beautiful Christmas decorations for the banisters and fireplace mantel. I love that Lily will always be a part of our Christmas celebrations through our yearly gift that we give her.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Among Friends
Note: This post contains NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, just Martinelli's
Friday, December 9, 2011
Remembering Mark
As I sat in the audience of the Kurt Bestor Christmas concert and drank in the incredible orchestrations and Kurt's beautiful composition of "Carol of the Bells," I had an overwhelming feeling of Mark's spirit in attendance. He would have loved this music! I wouldn't be too surprised to hear him come up with his own version of emotionally moving renditions of beloved Christmas carols. He was an incredible young man who packed a life time of living in 26 too short years. Happy 41st Birthday on December 5th, Mark. I love you and miss and can't wait to see you again.
On another birthday note, Steve sent me this text while I was at work this morning:
"Donny Osmond birthday today.:). 54"
He knows and understands my crush from afar of Donny.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
There Was Power
Last night we watched the weathermen on three different news channels warn the masses of the eminent wind storm...they were predicting gale force winds similar to hurricanian (my new made-up word) rates of 80 to 100 mph. We pulled in the wreaths and patio furniture and secured as much as we could in preparation. The night time winds woke me up with the howling and banging, and the morning carpool run was impeded by non working stop lights, roaming tumbleweeds and flying gangs of leaves. As I drove towards Jody's house, I passed many toppled fir trees, their thin layer of root systems sprawled out heavenward. A classic lesson on the importance of establishing deep, substantial roots came to mind and I made a mental note to share this with my daughter when I picked her up at school later today. The power was out at Jody's house, and we contemplated on whether or not the power would be out at the temple. We decided to go forward with our morning plans of attending the temple. When we arrived, it was a lot more quiet than it normally is, but the temple was definitely open and functioning, albeit with the help of back up generators. With the soft glow of half light, we entered the temple to the warm smiles of greeting from the temple workers. It was business as usual, despite a few improvisations, and as I received the names I would be performing ordinances for, I had the sweet confirmation enter my heart that there was indeed power at the temple...not the electrical kind, but the highest form possible, the power that comes from our loving Father in Heaven in the form of the Holy Priesthood. I was so glad that we went this morning, despite the inconveniences that accompanied this high wind storm. I know that it made a difference for me today, as well as for Maria, Emelia, Elsa, and Sophia.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
We did it all.
Dinner at Pizza Factory
Outfitting a second home
(new beds/bedding/furniture/kitchen supplies & gadgets, etc.)
Homemade Brownies
A Big Salad
"Holiday in Handcuffs"
(best Christmas movie title EVER)
Shopping in Vegas
Temple Session
Two trips to Swigs
Breaking Dawn
Kelsey and I packed it all in on a two day mini stay in St. George.
It is so fun to have my very own built in best friend.
I love you girl!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
I know your name
One of my all time favorite romantic movies is "One Fine Day" with George Clooney and Michelle Pfeiffer. I'm not sure if it's because of the hope that love will always find you, no matter the circumstances, but I just love this movie. One of the most endearing moments, for me, is when the character Melanie makes a comment out loud that clearly infers that Jack is a womanizing jerk who couldn't possibly remember or care to know her name. During her little diatribe, he quietly watches her then leans in and quietly says, "I know your name, Mel." Awwww, I love it! It speaks to my own basic need to know that someone out there knows and loves me. It's easy to feel so alone, sometimes. Or overlooked. Especially if you are a mom, and an on-the-cusp-of-middle-age one at that. I get a little thrill when someone calls me by my name. Is that weird? Conceited? Insecure? I don't know if it is or not, but I know I'm not the only one who must feel this way. That's one of the reasons I really appreciated President Uchtdorf's October Conference talk, "You Matter to Him": " fills me with wonder and awe to think that 'the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.'...God Himself said we are the reason He created the universe!" and "He know where we are, no matter how humble our circumstance...God knows that some of the greatest souls who have ever lived are those who will never appear in the chronicles of history. They are the blessed, humble souls who emulate the Savior's example and spend the days of their lives doing are not invisible to your Heavenly Father. He loves you. He knows your humble heart and your acts of love and kindness. God sees you not only as a mortal being on a small planet who lives for a brief season--He sees you as the being you are capable and designed to become. He wants you to know that you matter to Him." He knows my name. He knows your name. And we matter to Him.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Material attachments
Or.....How Grate thou Art:)
I've discovered something about myself: I am a creature of habit and comfort. I like what I like, and if possible like to keep things the same. I was surprised by this because I also like gadgets to be more specific. Steve always teases me about the amount of appliances I have (it's really not that many), but I dearly love every one for the particular purpose I use them for. Do I feel like making a panini? My panini grill is awesome! Same for my popcorn maker, my food processor, my bread maker, my high tech blender, the Belgium waffle maker, the CocoMotion, rice cooker, slow cooker, etc., etc. But the other day, as I was shopping for kitchen items to outfit our St. George home, I found myself drawn to exactly the same things I had at home. Take the cheese grater for example: I had a million really cool options to choose from, but none of them excited me because it was not like the one I use. I finally had to settle on a similar one before I was willing to purchase. Now, if I could just find the same awesome deal that I got on my KitchenAid Stand Mixer....
Saturday, November 5, 2011
The girl CAN'T dance!
As I struggled to keep up with the instructor of the local Zumba class, I had an epiphany: there is a REASON I run and ride bikes! I Do Not Dance. I've tried. I've taken ballet and jazz and have been completely lost. I tried figuring out Jane Fonda Aerobics and Jazzercise in high school, but ended up playing softball instead. I did okay with Step Aerobics, but got so tired of the same music over and over that I just could not bear to attend another Step class. I've tried again with the latest fitness craze of Zumba. Basically I just jump up and down and twist my body and move in place to keep my heart rate up. I try to follow the instructor, but the 3 beat timing of the salsa gets my feet tangled and I end up going to the right when everyone else is going to the left. I feel like Lucy sneaking into an unrehearsed performance on Ricky's Tropicana Night Club show. I realized how sad it was when I tried to follow the guys in the class, and even THEY were so much better and coordinated than I was. (except for DeOrr...he makes the class fun because he is totally uninhibited about his lack of timing. I feel like I am in good company). When I'm moving the booty and doing the shoulder shake and shimmy I think to myself that, dang...I must be looking soooo good!...and then I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I can't help but laugh. Oh, it is a funny sight. The one saving grace of going to Zumba is that I come home happy, and hopefully my lack of dance skills have elicited a smile or two from others in the class!
Friday, November 4, 2011
A Note
I'm not so proud that I can't say I'm sorry. I hate it when I act poorly..."Badly done, Emma, badly done." (Thank you, Jane Austen).
Yesterday I wrote and delivered this note:
Dear: (insert child's name here),
I'm sorry that I let my hurt feelings get in the way of being a loving mother. I'm grateful that you are in my life and that I get to kiss you good night and blow dry your hair in morning. I love you!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
It was a Graveyard Smash!
See this girl? SHE is the reason behind the madness of the Monster Bash. Clear back in early September she started in on me about decorating for Halloween. We hit the stores and had a lot of fun gathering supplies and home decor items and slowly over the last 6 weeks we transformed our house.
I am a Halloween hater, so this really was a labor of love for me to indulge her passion for all things All Hallow's Eve. The culmination of our efforts? A huge family party!
We had funny treats (Eadible eyeballs, mummy face pizza's, taratula legs, pumpkin rolls, bubbling get the point), howling games (Mummy Wrap, Donut Eating, Red Light/Green Light), pumpkin painting and costume contest. Oh yeah, costumes were required entry into the festivities.
Whew, it was a lot of work, but FUN work...and so worth it!
Monday, October 24, 2011
It is T-minus 2 hours until the 1st Annual Monster Bash. Thrown by our little family, for BOTH sides of the family. I'm talking 40 people. Eek.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
I Love....
It's a given that I love, with great passion and loyalty, my husband and children. I have to state that at the very beginning of this thought. But, as I was driving home from work the other day, it hit me how much I LOVE where I am working. It is hard, physical work but very fulfilling. I love the residents that I care for.
I also love my dog. She gives pure, uncomplicated and unconditional love. She let's me hold her and pet her and snuggle her like a baby. I'm practicing for future babies in my life.
I LOVE the mountains of Utah. I love the greening up in the spring, the golden browns of summer, the brilliant fire display of color in the fall and the crisp, snow-capped layers in the winter. The mountains are majestic and bold and fill me with awe.
These things touch my soul and make me feel contentment, tenderness, and gratitude.
And greatly loved.
I also love my dog. She gives pure, uncomplicated and unconditional love. She let's me hold her and pet her and snuggle her like a baby. I'm practicing for future babies in my life.
I LOVE the mountains of Utah. I love the greening up in the spring, the golden browns of summer, the brilliant fire display of color in the fall and the crisp, snow-capped layers in the winter. The mountains are majestic and bold and fill me with awe.
These things touch my soul and make me feel contentment, tenderness, and gratitude.
And greatly loved.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
There's an App for that!
I am a beverage ice snob. I love a good diet Coke, but for it to be really satisfying, it HAS to have the right kind of ice. And a squeeze from a lime wedge is always nice. The right kind of ice can be a deal breaker for me. If I NEED a diet Coke (as opposed to, "eh, sure, why not") than it just has to have the right ice. Otherwise, it's just not worth it. What kind of ice would that be, you ask? Nugget (or Pellet) Ice. The little compact pieces of ice that "soak up the beverage." Ahhhhhhhh! A Coke and a smile just hit my face.
I know most of the places around town (and within 5 miles of my home) that have the good kind of ice: Pace's Dairy Ann, Barbacoa, Costa Vida, Common Cents, FireHouse Car Wash and Detail, Kneaders, Pizza Factory. I read in the paper today that there are enough of us Nugget Ice fans that there is now an app ( for your phone that lists all the restaurants that have Nugget Ice. Cool! Oh, wait. I am already the app for that!
(I also noticed that this article mentioned a home ice machine that makes Nugget Ice...up to 80 pounds at a time! It's only $2,849!)
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Cowboy Nic
Little did I know that when I took my nephew, Nicholas, home from preschool I would be spending the afternoon with "Cowboy Nic." When we walked through the front door of Nicholas's home, he immediately ran upstairs to change. Meanwhile, I got out all the ingredients to make chocolate chip cookies for his borthers (there's nothing better than coming home from school to freshly baked cookies, right?) I started wondering what was taking Nico so long, so I called up to him to ask if he was still going to help me with the cookies. He quickly responded that he just had to finish buttoning up his shirt. A few minutes later, he came clomping down the stairs in full "Cowboy Nic" attire: plaid button-down shirt, sheriff badge pinned to the chest, leather hat, belt, jeans, and--most importantly-heavy heeled cowboy boots (which where actually a pair of Kim's cast off fashionable low-heeled boots, but that did not bother Nic AT ALL). He clomped into the kitchen, hopped up on a chair and proceeded to help me make the cookies. After the dough was mixed up and plopped onto a cookie sheet (and after taste-testing, of course), Nic jumped back off the chair and continued to clomp around the kitchen, outside deck, garage, front side walk, and back in on the kitchen wood floor. I decided that there must be something very satisfying about the sound of clomping boots to a 6 year-old boy. Nic told me all about cowboy boots and why they are so good for walking in dirt and and desert sand. He then decided he needed to make a cowboy house (which he did on the deck) and then he asked if I would go on a walk with him. Heck yes, I would LOVE to walk the neighborhood with Cowboy Nic. As we headed down the street, we found piles of tree branches and cardboard boxes to clomp and stomp over.
Clomp, clomp, stomp, clomp, clomp.
Into the Sunset.
Monday, October 10, 2011
A Masterpiece
"But trailing clouds of glory we come,
from God, who is our home"
Y be fit
Today was Kelsey's day off from school and her internship (at YbeFit) and so Markelle and I drove down to Provo to hang out with her for the day. I've been wanting to hike the Y for some time now, so when we arrived I told Kelsey to get her gear on and off we went to the trail head. We took Jesse along with us, and it was a good hard, steep climb that set our hearts beating. The temperature was perfect for this type of hike, the jagged mountains majestic in their autumnal colors and the view was fantastic. When we reached the snowy colored Y, we sat and talked about life, family and friends, marriage...all the good, girly kind of talk. I love my Utah mountains, and it was fun to hike a trail that I haven't hiked since my childhood days of living in Orem.
Afterwards, we showered and changed, then enjoyed a day of shopping at Cherry Lane, Deseret Industries (Halloween Costumes!) and JoAnn's and eating yummy pizza from SLAB. What a fun day with two of my favorite girls!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
"To mourn with those that mourn..."
Beautiful words,
Part of the covenant we make at Baptism.
How do we "mourn for those that mourn, comfort those who stand in need of comfort?"
I witnessed many examples of people who did this very thing for Spencer and Kim and their family this past week. All of us who love this family, and grieve with them for the loss of their little girl, have been compelled to offer comfort in our own individual ways:
* Buying/wearing pink ties
* Rushing to Spencer and Kim's side from North Salt Lake, Bountiful, California, Italy, Arizona, the Book Cliffs, and the Divorce court
* Rushing to Spencer and Kim's side from North Salt Lake, Bountiful, California, Italy, Arizona, the Book Cliffs, and the Divorce court
* Catching up and keeping up the laundry of a grieving family
* Bleach, wash, and press the white shirts of four brothers who just lost their sister
* Clean and vacuum Lily's room, put away her clean clothes, put sheets on her bed
* Clean and vacuum Lily's room, put away her clean clothes, put sheets on her bed
* Sewing a dress for Lily
* Making bead bracelets with Lily's name to give to family members to wear
* Dinners
* Coolers full of drinks
* Flowers, letters, notes
* Framed pencil sketch of Lily
* Framed photos of Lily
* Lovely display tables
* Video of Lily's life
* Singing for Lily
* Prepared luncheon for the family, which included a lot of Kim's favorite dishes
* White Balloons and sidewalk chalk
* Silver Lily flower tie tacks for the boys, pendant for Kim
* Handmade pink bows for all the girl cousins, matching ones for Lily and Gemma
* A potted Lily plant delivered to the house in the early morning hours
* Donated money
* Lots of hugs, whispers of love, support, prayers
* Attendance at viewing and funeral
* Careful explanations to the children, beautiful presentation of God's Plan of Salvation
* Powerful testimony of God's love and knowledge of each of His children
* Careful explanations to the children, beautiful presentation of God's Plan of Salvation
* Powerful testimony of God's love and knowledge of each of His children
* Cleaning the kitchen, vacuuming the floors
* Floral spray for Lily's casket
* Floral arrangements for the family dinner
* Cute table cloths and beautiful arrangement of food at family dinner
* Beautifully prepared program for the funeral service
* Recording the funeral program and documenting with pictures
* Cards, letters, emails, facebook posts
* Handmade cards from classmates
* Handling of business affairs/insurance
* Rolling down the hill with the little cousins during the viewing
* Pink ribbons tied to the front yard trees
* Beautifully prepared program for the funeral service
* Recording the funeral program and documenting with pictures
* Cards, letters, emails, facebook posts
* Handmade cards from classmates
* Handling of business affairs/insurance
* Rolling down the hill with the little cousins during the viewing
* Pink ribbons tied to the front yard trees
These are just a small sample of comfort I saw being offered. Everything was done with love and with hearts turned to the Spencer Mordue family.
I discovered a very interesting fact: we all have talents and abilities that we have been blessed with that we in turn can use to bless others.
Which in turn comes right back to bless us and help bring us peace.
As quoted from Yogi Berra at Lily's funeral:
"The main thing is to keep the MAIN thing the main thing."
Which in turn comes right back to bless us and help bring us peace.
As quoted from Yogi Berra at Lily's funeral:
"The main thing is to keep the MAIN thing the main thing."
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Lily Ann
Gemma and Lily Ann
Our Little Princesses
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Birthday Boy
My patriarchal blessing states that I will have "sons and daughters," and so after three girls I held out for one more chance at a son. When my baby Ashley arrived in all of her unmistakable feminine glory, I had a revelation: someone else was raising my sons, and I would know and love them when they married my four beautiful daughters. Happy Birthday to son #1--I admire and love you for many different reasons, Covey, but most of all because you love my daughter. Thank you for taking such good care of her. We love you!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Modern Day Warriors
This morning I woke up my new friend, who greeted the day with a big smile. I helped her put on her shoes, do the necessary things in the bathroom, and helped her gather together her temple clothing. Today was her temple day. I brought her a tray of food for breakfast, and then made the rounds to check in on some of my other new friends. A while later, I looked up to see several other women, all dressed in white, walking down the hallway to the front room of the care center. I followed them in to wish them well, and was meet by a room full of others dressed in their temple whites. They were smiling and happy and excited for their excursion to the temple. As I walked away, I have to admit that I was a little overcome with emotion at the humble show of power and strength in that little living room, being exhibited by some of God's greatest warriors who have gracefully and gratefully "endured many things, and will endure many more things." They are showing me how it's done, how to serve and endure and do what's right, until I have "finished my work on the earth."
Monday, September 12, 2011
Triple R....Done, done and done!
Alicia/John Tebbs, Steve/Karen Mordue, Kathy/Ray Fisher
Team Run, Walk, Crawl
Thursday, September 8, 2011
A True and Honest Heart
I heard this phrase many times today while attending the Bountiful Temple, and it perfectly sums up what I strive to have every day: a true and honest heart.
These past couple of weeks have been very full of a lot of hard work---mentally, physically and emotionally--as I have started my job working with the residents of a local care center. A few days into my job training, I recieved a call from my mother-in-law. There was a job opening at the care center where she and my father-in-law are currently serving as LDS leaders (Dandad is the Branch President). She wanted me to come over and check out the facility and talk with the head CNA. I went over and immediately loved the calm, peaceful and happy feeling of the place. I was offered a position right on the spot and I started my training with them last night. A lot of the residents are LDS, and it was so cute how many asked me if I was also LDS. I think they were worried that I wouldn't know about the temple garments they wore, but when I told them I wore them also, they would give me a big smile. I have been touched by how well they are all living their lives despite the limitations that age has put on their bodies and minds. There is no guile, no intent to hurt or mock, just a desire to be as happy as possible and enjoy their remaining time on this earth. They each have the true and honest heart that I desire and work at having every day.
These past couple of weeks have been very full of a lot of hard work---mentally, physically and emotionally--as I have started my job working with the residents of a local care center. A few days into my job training, I recieved a call from my mother-in-law. There was a job opening at the care center where she and my father-in-law are currently serving as LDS leaders (Dandad is the Branch President). She wanted me to come over and check out the facility and talk with the head CNA. I went over and immediately loved the calm, peaceful and happy feeling of the place. I was offered a position right on the spot and I started my training with them last night. A lot of the residents are LDS, and it was so cute how many asked me if I was also LDS. I think they were worried that I wouldn't know about the temple garments they wore, but when I told them I wore them also, they would give me a big smile. I have been touched by how well they are all living their lives despite the limitations that age has put on their bodies and minds. There is no guile, no intent to hurt or mock, just a desire to be as happy as possible and enjoy their remaining time on this earth. They each have the true and honest heart that I desire and work at having every day.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Puppy Sling
I got a coupon in the mail for a "free" baby sling. I have a hard time passing up on "free"--if anything, I could give it to Kelsey or someone else as a baby gift. But then I just couldn't resist trying it out with Jesse.
She LOVED it!
Now Ashley lives in mortal fear that I will show up at her school wearing Jesse in the sling.
Hmmm, not a bad idea....
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
If packages could talk....

"Hope ya know, we had a hard time."
I'm not sure what kind of travels this package has been on, but it's story must be a pretty good one.
I'm not sure what kind of travels this package has been on, but it's story must be a pretty good one.
P.S. The contents of this package (a cute red sweater from the Loft) had a cinder hole in it. Not to fear, Ann Taylor immediately sent a new one out Next Day Air upon notification.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Hot Pot Singer Dinger
To my brothers:
Remember how we used to tease each other unmercifully when we were little? We had fun nicknames for each other (Hos Van Cartwright, Squirrel Pie, Hang Tooth, TA--or TATA--??). Remember when all nine of us would wrap ourselves in blankets and then tumble down the stairs in one big heap? What about the brother(s) who often came home from the across-the-street park with a cool bike or Big Wheel that they "found?" We also loved to catch each other singing on the potty. If that ever happened, we would sit outside of the bathroom door and chant: "Hot Pot Singer Dinger!" Those were good times, weren't they?
I had forgotten about the Hot Pot Singer Dinger chant until just the other day when I had to help a sweet older person get on the potty and then wait for them to finish their business. You can't hurry these things, and usually I would leave them to it and ask them push their call button when they were done. But not this person, oh no. They wanted to have a full on conversation with me. Twenty minutes later, after repeated inquiries into whether or not they had finished, we were able to wrap things up. As I helped this lovely person back into their chair, I could hear the lovely strains of "Hot Pot Singer Dinger" running through my head while exiting the room.
So, dear brothers, thank for the fun and crazy times we shared as younguns...the memories have brightened many a day and have given many occasions to laugh!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
A Prince in the Making...
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(Prince and Princess Uchtdorf waving to their adoring public) |
As a side note, I was asked to say the closing prayer in Sacrament Meeting today. When I got to the chapel, I noticed that President Uchtdorf was in town and on the stand. No pressure.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Summer's End
We had a Cousin Camp today at Kim's house to commemorate the end of summer and the beginning of another school year. Yikes, where did the summer go? It has been a busy, fun-filled 10 weeks and for once I'm not ready to ship the kids off to school. As Ashley and I walked the halls of South Davis Jr. High at her back to school night, and felt the excitement brimming off of the kids, I realized how happy I am that she is going to this school for her 9th has a very positive vibe and the teachers were excited to have her again in their classes. I sense and anticipate great things from this school year.
Madi is also on the brink of an exciting year: senior year of high school, college applications, an internship using her CNA and new job at The Legacy House. We both got jobs at the same retirement home (although we will be working different shifts), and we begin our training next week. It's been a laid back summer with some fun trips, delicious watermelon (I personally have eaten at least five on my own), good books, Ragnar/Dessert News running events, long bike rides, leisurely walks with Jesse, movie marathons and BBQ cookouts. But now it's back to a schedule--work and school--and the shortened days of autumn and winter. The light is already changing, and soon the crispness will be in the air, signalling the change of seasons. Ahh, the lazy dog days of summer....I will miss you!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
A Top 10 List
Top 10 Things I loved about New York
10. The All American Buffet Breakfast at the Waldorf Astoria.
I chose to add this option when I booked the room, and I am so glad I did! I just assumed it would be a mamby bamby continental breakfast, but it was a full on Little America type of breakfast buffet---omelets prepared to you personal specification by a chef, fresh fruits, incredible Blitzes and other pastries, oatmeal with a huge variety of add-ins, meats and cheese, yogurt bar, Belgium waffles and toppings, etc. All this came with a very attentive, friendly and happy serving staff.
I did pretty well navigating the subway, but the few times I looked confused or needed to clarify a question, I was always amazed at how I could ask anyone and they would rattle off which metro location or stop or train we would need to take to get to were we wanted to go. There were even a few times that someone volunteered to help when they could tell we weren't sure of what to do. I was especially impressed by this, since I am not sure if I could tell someone how to get anywhere in Salt Lake...
8. Bagels and cream cheese from a street vendor.
7. Going for a morning run and discovering that the city had blocked off traffic from Park Ave so that all runners and bikers had a straight, unhindered path. Awesome.
The city does this on certain Saturdays in the summer, and I just happen to be there on the right Saturday. I ran down Park Ave towards Central Park, and then through Central Park up to the Met on 83rd and back to the was a great 4 miler, and I was running with lots of other bikers and runners. I loved it.
6. The nice gentleman who gave us an impromptu tour of Brooklyn Heights.
We walked across the Brooklyn Bridge, which was pretty cool, but when we didn't get off when we should have, we ended up walking a lot farther then we intended too. We really wanted to eat at Grimaldi's, but we had a member of our party with foot problems developing, and we were a little lost. The nice gentlemen could tell we were unsure of which direction to go, and he began to explain what we needed to do, and then he said, "You know, I'm heading in that direction anyway, so I will just walk with you and make sure you get to where you want to go." He then proceeded to tell us about the history of Brooklyn Heights and took us past the Plymouth church, where the the Pastor Beecher (abolitionist and brother to Harriet Beecher Stowe) invited Abraham Lincoln to speak and campaign.
5. Our hotel and room (the Waldorf Astoria)
We scored on this one. The hotel and staff were wonderful and our room was beautiful and comfortable.
4. Turning the corner of Exchange Place and seeing the New York Stock Exchange among the canyon of tall buildings...BAM! There it is.
3. Wicked! On Broadway! At the Gershwin Theater!
2. Meeting up with Liz and her mom. Liz always make us happy.
1. Being with all my girls: Kelsey, Markelle, Madeleine and Ashley!
3. Wicked! On Broadway! At the Gershwin Theater!
2. Meeting up with Liz and her mom. Liz always make us happy.
1. Being with all my girls: Kelsey, Markelle, Madeleine and Ashley!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
1:20 AM
I started this pillow tonight at about 10:00 p.m. and my brain has been taxed to the limit from trying to figure out how to put the iron-on transfer onto the muslin, piece together the rest of the fabric, sew the decorative embellishment, and then get the picture/muslin piece centered while making the rest of the fabric fit the pillow form nice and snug. I am not a seamstress, and I did not use a pattern, so there was some unpicking of the stitches (as Markelle would say) being done. I know my brain is fried because it is now 1:20 a.m. and I cannot figure out how to turn the picture (of pillow, shown above) around. My dog is sleeping beside me (and breathing a little heavy, I might add), but my brain won't shut down. I think I will have to pull out the scriptures and read some of the fun passages from 2've got to love those Isaiah chapters!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Happiest Day on Earth
Dear Ashley,
Happy Birthday to my baby girl. I'm sad that we weren't able to give you breakfast in bed on the red "You are Special Today" plate, and sing to you while you wear the birthday cake hat with it's flaming candles. We didn't get to huddle together with you on our bed and watch you eat while you opened your presents. Instead, we sent you off to California and Disneyland with your best friend and a pocketful of cash. What kind of parents have we become? Please forgive us. I did give you a wonderful gift, which you will discover when you come home tomorrow: a clean room! Yes, I went through every drawer and cleaned out/organized your dresser, closet, book shelf, desk, and under the bed (unfortunately, I still did not find the two missing phones...which was the real reason behind the massive room detox). I hope you know how much we love you and are so happy that you joined our family 14 years ago. How lucky for you to spend your Happiest Day on Earth at the Happiest Place on Earth. Have a Magical Day! (cue The Cricket singing....)
Your mommy
Thursday, August 4, 2011
The Case of the Missing Glasses
I called Steve at work this morning to check on how his day was going, and I could tell that he was in a crabby mood. When I asked him what was wrong, he responded with a very stressful, "I can't find my glasses!"
I asked a couple of question on when he last wore them and tried to calm him with "well, they must be in the office, just retrace your steps and ask the office staff to be on the look out for them." I figured that he must have set them down somewhere while talking to someone and walked away without them. I knew he'd find them eventually. Turns out I was right, and we got a good laugh of WHERE we found them: on my mother's face! My mom, bless her heart, is still--at age 74--working for Steve. She had been in his office earlier today and was admiring his sunglasses. Without realizing that her own glasses were propped on top of her head, she took Steve's reading glasses as she was leaving the office...thinking they were hers. When I came in later this morning to bring her some lunch, I noticed that she had on a pair of glasses that looked A LOT like Steve's missing glasses. When I asked about it, she reached up to take the glasses off and look at them, then saw her own glasses sitting on her desk! We had a pretty good laugh and quickly put Steve's glasses back front and center on his desk. As I left the office, I patted myself on the back and exclaimed, "My work here is done!"
I asked a couple of question on when he last wore them and tried to calm him with "well, they must be in the office, just retrace your steps and ask the office staff to be on the look out for them." I figured that he must have set them down somewhere while talking to someone and walked away without them. I knew he'd find them eventually. Turns out I was right, and we got a good laugh of WHERE we found them: on my mother's face! My mom, bless her heart, is still--at age 74--working for Steve. She had been in his office earlier today and was admiring his sunglasses. Without realizing that her own glasses were propped on top of her head, she took Steve's reading glasses as she was leaving the office...thinking they were hers. When I came in later this morning to bring her some lunch, I noticed that she had on a pair of glasses that looked A LOT like Steve's missing glasses. When I asked about it, she reached up to take the glasses off and look at them, then saw her own glasses sitting on her desk! We had a pretty good laugh and quickly put Steve's glasses back front and center on his desk. As I left the office, I patted myself on the back and exclaimed, "My work here is done!"
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Breaking Free
As Madi and I drove into St. George at midnight, I turned to her and said, "You know, if we got up at 5:30 in the morning and drove to the beach, we could be there before noon..."
Ahhh, Laguna...I just can not stay away. I've been land locked a little too long and just needed to squish the sand between my toes, feel the salty breeze on my face, hear the roar of crashing waves and yes, even watch the cute surfer boys brave the cold water and do their thing.
It was a fun, quick, SPONTANEOUS road trip, but I had a great accomplice: thanks for throwing your hat in, Madi!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
A Day for First
Steve and his little biking team just rode 500 plus miles from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas in the Saints to Sinners Relay and they placed first as a mixed relay team AND set a course record! (27:40) I'm so proud of him and his team!
On another note, I rode my first 50 mile bike ride, and it was great! We even had a group of inline skaters drafting behind us for at 15 miles, and Am bought a baby swing from a garage sale at the park that was our half way point. She joked with me that I could have it when I have my first grandchild...haha, still a while to wait. Later that day, Markelle, Madi, and I had a very nice lunch at The Blue Lemon in Salt Lake, I got to talk to Kelsey for about in hour on the phone, and Ashley/Giselle put "coon" tails in their hair.
All in all a good day.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Follow the Prophets
They've got your back!
Sing with me now:
"Lat-ter-Day Proph-ets are: num-ber one, Jo-seph Smith; then Brig-ham Young;
John Tay-lor came third, we know,
Then Wil-ford Wood-ruff, Lo-ren-zo Snow;
Jo-seph F. Smith (remember the F);
He-ber J. Grant and George Al-bert Smith;
Da-vid Ohhhhh Mc-Kay was followed by
Jo-seph Field-ing Smith.
Then Har-old B. Lee, Spen-cer W. Kimball,
Ezr-a Taft Ben-son,
HowardW.Hunter (really fast)
Gor-don B. Hinck-ley shows the way.
We hear and fol-low his words to-day!"
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Woo Hoo!
After ruining my last few batches of cookies, brownies and cupcakes with baaaaad Costco vanilla, I tracked down the Good Stuff.
Blue Cattle Truck MEXICAN Vanilla!
I love it, I love it, I love it.
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