Wednesday, November 23, 2011

We did it all.

Dinner at Pizza Factory
Outfitting a second home
(new beds/bedding/furniture/kitchen supplies & gadgets, etc.)
Homemade Brownies
A Big Salad
"Holiday in Handcuffs"
(best Christmas movie title EVER) 
Shopping in Vegas
Temple Session
Two trips to Swigs
Breaking Dawn

Kelsey and I packed it all in on a two day mini stay in St. George.
It is so fun to have my very own built in best friend.
I love you girl!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I know your name

One of my all time favorite romantic movies is "One Fine Day" with George Clooney and Michelle Pfeiffer.  I'm not sure if it's because of the hope that love will always find you, no matter the circumstances, but I just love this movie.  One of the most endearing moments, for me, is when the character Melanie makes a comment out loud that clearly infers that Jack is a womanizing jerk who couldn't possibly remember or care to know her name.  During her little diatribe, he quietly watches her then leans in and quietly says, "I know your name, Mel."  Awwww, I love it!  It speaks to my own basic need to know that someone out there knows and loves me.  It's easy to feel so alone, sometimes.  Or overlooked.  Especially if you are a mom, and an on-the-cusp-of-middle-age one at that.  I get a little thrill when someone calls me by my name.  Is that weird?  Conceited?  Insecure?  I don't know if it is or not, but I know I'm not the only one who must feel this way.  That's one of the reasons I really appreciated President Uchtdorf's October Conference talk, "You Matter to Him":  " fills me with wonder and awe to think that 'the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.'...God Himself said we are the reason He created the universe!"  and "He know where we are, no matter how humble our circumstance...God knows that some of the greatest souls who have ever lived are those who will never appear in the chronicles of history.  They are the blessed, humble souls who emulate the Savior's example and spend the days of their lives doing are not invisible to your Heavenly Father.  He loves you.  He knows your humble heart and your acts of love and kindness. God sees you not only as a mortal being on a small planet who lives for a brief season--He sees you as the being you are capable and designed to become.  He wants you to know that you matter to Him."  He knows my name.  He knows your name.  And we matter to Him.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Material attachments

Or.....How Grate thou Art:)

I've discovered something about myself:  I am a creature of habit and comfort.  I like what I like, and if possible like to keep things the same.  I was surprised by this because I also like gadgets to be more specific.  Steve always teases me about the amount of appliances I have (it's really not that many), but I dearly love every one for the particular purpose I use them for.  Do I feel like making a panini?  My panini grill is awesome!  Same for my popcorn maker, my food processor, my bread maker, my high tech blender, the Belgium waffle maker, the CocoMotion, rice cooker, slow cooker, etc., etc.  But the other day, as I was shopping for kitchen items to outfit our St. George home, I found myself drawn to exactly the same things I had at home.  Take the cheese grater for example:  I had a million really cool options to choose from, but none of them excited me because it was not like the one I use.  I finally had to settle on a similar one before I was willing to purchase.  Now, if I could just find the same awesome deal that I got on my KitchenAid Stand Mixer....

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The girl CAN'T dance!

As I struggled to keep up with the instructor of the local Zumba class, I had an epiphany:  there is a REASON I run and ride bikes!  I Do Not Dance.  I've tried.  I've taken ballet and jazz and have been completely lost.  I tried figuring out Jane Fonda Aerobics and Jazzercise in high school, but ended up playing softball instead.  I did okay with Step Aerobics, but got so tired of the same music over and over that I just could not bear to attend another Step class.  I've tried again with the latest fitness craze of Zumba.  Basically I just jump up and down and twist my body and move in place to keep my heart rate up. I try to follow the instructor, but the 3 beat timing of the salsa gets my feet tangled and I end up going to the right when everyone else is going to the left.  I feel like Lucy sneaking into an unrehearsed performance on Ricky's Tropicana Night Club show.  I realized how sad it was when I tried to follow the guys in the class, and even THEY were so much better and coordinated than I was. (except for DeOrr...he makes the class fun because he is totally uninhibited about his lack of timing. I feel like I am in good company).  When I'm moving the booty and doing the shoulder shake and shimmy I think to myself that, dang...I must be looking soooo good!...and then I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I can't help but laugh.  Oh, it is a funny sight.  The one saving grace of going to Zumba is that I come home happy, and hopefully my lack of dance skills have elicited a smile or two from others in the class!

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Note

I'm not so proud that I can't say I'm sorry.  I hate it when I act poorly..."Badly done, Emma, badly done." (Thank you, Jane Austen).

Yesterday I wrote and delivered this note:

Dear:  (insert child's name here),

I'm sorry that I let my hurt feelings get in the way of being a loving mother.  I'm grateful that you are in my life and that I get to kiss you good night and blow dry your hair in morning.  I love you!
